Good Taxi Reads 003

Mel Finkelstein/New York Daily News

Mel Finkelstein/New York Daily News

A taxi ocean of driver-less cabs

Jordi Spel / CC / Barcelona

Jordi Spel / CC / Barcelona

Government regulated taxi fleets around the world are facing their less anticipated and most fearful competitor of all times, Uber. The equation is clear, Uber drivers' are happy on a weak job-market and their clients are paying less for better service; in the other hand, goverment-regulated taxi service is slow in bureaucracy to compete in benefits for their drivers and far to catch up with better service for their citizens. 

Heavy litigation remains in the horizon, the waters are turbulent and an ocean of driver-less cabs is afloat. 

10 Reasons You Must Love Your TaxiCab

1.Your cab is the center of the financial district of your universe.

2.Your taxi cab is an awesome human "observatorium"

3.Thanks to your cab you don't have to seat in a cubicle all day long.

4.Lunch break could happen at home or at any favorite restaurant at any time!

5.Like an ATM, your cab withdraw instant cash.

6.A cab gives you great sound system testing privileges to digest and listen tons of great music, albums and talented humans. (probably the most amazing underrated free experience)

7.New adventures in a daily basis could be your motto.

8.Time off can be prolonged as needed for errands or leisure .

9.Don't forget, while on the road, you are the Boss.

10.Your cab count on Us for all your taxis businesses.